Markr - The #visualhashtag maker for Photos and Videos app for iPhone and iPad
Developer: Metonymy
First release : 28 Feb 2014
App size: 26.72 Mb
Markr gives you the power to create visual hashtags for your photos and videos. You can tag your photos with hashtags that are popular around you, and around the world. You can even create branded photos using your favorite brands.
Visual hashtags are simply hashtags that you can overlay on top of your photos or video clips. Visual hashtags are about declaring your life moments (in photo/video) and professing them to your social world.
Now your photos can have quick innate meaning that everyone will get right away using what is trending, things local, favorite brands, or even your imagination to title your photo.
Markr gives you the ability to see what trending, in real time, and react with your personal touch in photo/video to become part of the larger trending conversation. Want to Insta-meme? Markr allows you create your own Insta-meme and then have it plugged into the social world. Markr and visual hashtags are a new way to be part of the conversation.
Harnessing the passion and input of brand evangelists without losing control of brand equity. #yourbrand and you will find users are already using #yourbrand to express themselves. Why not give them the tools to do it right? Markr allows people to create branded content of what they love, and share it with friends.
- #visualhashtags
- Video recording and editing
- Unique font sets
- Endless colors
- Killer Filters
- Shoot like a pro: Dynamic photo editing and Markr features to get the perfect photo.
- Instant sharing on Instagram, Vine, Twitter, Facebook, Tumblr, WhatsApp, and more.
- Dynamic Logo editing